Sunday, May 24, 2009

My baby is 1 I'm not sure if that is ok

We had quite the weekend this past week! Preston had his 1st birthday!!! We had my family over and Nate's Family (but it was easier for at least most of them cuz they live here )

I think it's the 1st time they have been to my in-laws since we have been married. They came to "rescue me" one time when we were dating cuz my car died. The remodel is mostly done so they got to see first hand all the fun we have had the past few months.

Any way...

Preston had no idea what was going on but enjoyed tearing the wrapping paper anyways. And loves the new toys. He LOVES stuffed animals and got 2, a leapord he became attatched to while at the zoo the other day, and an elmo that blows kisses, which preston is getting good at. He always gives them a huge hug and kinda curls his body around them and his blankie when he has that also.

I stole it from him the other day and he got mad and took it back and said "My bankie!" I was kinda shocked and had a big laugh at that. He does not talk alot but is pretty clear when he does decide to. He is also making a lot of progress toward full time walking. He still prefers to crawl, he is much faster that way, but when it's on HIS terms, he can walk across the room. He has also taken to doing a bear crawl like Tanner used to do.

He LOVES anything chocolate. so of course he had a chocolate cake of his own.
At first he dug his hands into the frosting and was flinging it off his hands but after he got rid of most of it he dug in!! Surprisingly when he eats chocolate, most of it ends up IN his mouth and not all over him.

This is all he left behind...That is mostly the top with the frosting that is in the chair.

Nate gave him a bath after but i'm not really sure why, he was not that messy but he loves taking a bath too so I'm sure he did not mind. Seriously that is all the mess he made on himself! Well his hands were a little dirtier but he is in the tub after all.

Ok so on friday, Brookie graduated from Kindergarten!

They had a program where all the kinder kids sang and one class did a dance and they recited a (long) cute poem about how they have grown up so much from being babies and now they are really smart almost 1st graders. it was really cute but long enough that the kids didn't remember half the words and it was a lot of mumbling. They tried and that is what counts. They all got an award and Brooklyn's was for being a Happy Helper. She was so excited about that. She is so big!! It's gone by so fast. I still have a hard time thinking about how I have kids at all let alone one who is now a first grader! She had to wear her church shoes with high heals and it made her seem even older to me. I don't look forward to high school and I'm afraid we will be there way to soon.!!

While waiting for Brooklyn to get her backpack from her classroom we were just standing outside waiting and I just happened to look at my hand and there was a strange tan-ish kinda furry, i think flying bug on it. I tried to blow it off but it was attatched so I blew harder and it flew off ,or something like that. A few min later my hand started to burn and I got a small bump that looked like a mosquito bite. within a few min it was about the size of a quarter and it was throbbing. I put some anti-itch cream on it when we got home and a little later put ice to see if it would stop the swelling.

Well it got worse.

and then stayed that way the rest of the day so I thought I was through the worst of it and tried to ignore the slight burning in my hand. That night Ikept waking up with pain in my hand and in the morn. my hand was so swollen I could not hardly bend it. I was supposed to work at the salon at nine am and no one was answering their phones so I could get out of going This is my LEFT hand btw. I'm a lefty. There was No way I could cut hair! But the last 3 weeks I have been the only one there for at least the first hour (one week the other girl was 3 hours late!!!!!). I could not just not go. Luckily the one who is always late called me back about 5 min. before I needed to leave so I told her there was no way I could work and that she needed to be to work on time. She said she was prob going to be a half hour late (she always has some reason). I did finally get a hold of another girl and luckily did not have to go to work only to be able to tell the clients- sorry I can't do anything but someone will be here prob at 10. I can just imagine how happy they would all be... They are already mad that there has been only one person on a sat. morning. I usually do 6 h/c that first hour by my self 10 min. h/c! if not faster when I'm alone and rushed.


So my hand kept growing. these pix were taken Sat morning. my hand was about twice that size by the end of the day. my fingers were huge, my wrist was huge. And it hurt so bad!!

I did go to the Dr. and since we don't know what bit me, he put me on an antibiotic and an anti inflamitory for 5 days, but said if the redness started going up my arm I'd have to come back and get some shots. (not a shot, SOME SHOTS)

Nate and my dad-in-law gave me a blessing last night (I hate shots and it was getting worse) and I am so happy to say that this morning the swelling was down a ton! it was still swollen and stiff and actually looked like a huge bruise. But SO much better. And right now I have almost full function back and almost no swelling. Ialmost have nuckles again!

I'm still going to take the meds to make sure the poison it out of my system but I am SOOO glad it's better today. I really hate shots. and it really hurt. My hand is itchy now and that is annoying but I'll lake that over what I had yesterday.

My fingers and wrist and palm were all puffy like the top of my hand. I wish I had taken a picture then too but it was not on my mind. Sorry.
Oh I Hate my camera, the pix are all ways fuzzy. If anyone has a recomendation so me...
I want a smaller one to keep with me like in my purse. We have a large one and I love it but our charger and battery are packed. Who knows where...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

some pix

Here are some recent pix.

The kids came home on Sunday, each with a sucker for me. As as soon as they showed me them they asked if they could eat it. (kids) But Preston saw it and got very excited and wanted to eat my suckers too. I gave him the first one I could find which happened to be a huge lollipop from easter that we somehow still had. Grandma also found him one...

He was in Heaven.

I decided I Hated having long hair. Preston's favorite way of getting to a standing position was to grab my hair and pull himself up. Plus it gets tangled underneath with huge nots that hurt a ton to get out (my head is sensitive now, it did not used to be) so even if I spent the time doing it, I pulled my hair into a ponytail eventually.
I style it a little diff than in the picture and have not gotten a front view yet. sorry

Here is a new problem we are facing...

Preston has discovered the ladder. He Loves climbing it. It does not come off. And he is FAST!

At first he would get to the third from the top and stop cuz he did not know how to go further. Well, he finally figured it out. All by himself.

He is also (as of today) Walking! These pix are from last week it think. He would only stand for very long in the middle of the room if he had something in his hands. His favorite choice being a ball. Or rather Ba
Today he decided he no longer needed something in his hands though and has been trying to cruise around the house. He gets so excited and proud of himself. He usually chooses to walk to me from where ever he is and gives me a big smile and hug once he reaches me. And I'm cheering him on of coarse. He will be ONE next week!!! He is so big already. I'm kinda sad I don't have a baby anymore but a look forward to no more bottles and formula and some day diapers ( i know not for a long while but I can look forward to it any way)

And.. We just had anniv #8 we went golfing and I did really good the first 3 holes. I hit the stupid ball and it went far and straight and in the air like it was supposed to (I've only been maybe 4 times). But after that it all went down hill. I could no longer even hit the *%#@!! ball (Nate says it's ok to swear when playing golf) I did get one good ish shot but it went to the side and nearly hit Nate. He had to jump back to not get impaled by the flying ball.
It was funny as heck though.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Yes I'm still alive...
Things here in Brigham are busy as always but our computer is now upstairs and I have been actually using it! It's so cold downstairs and Di is usually watching some movie and the kids follow me down (of coarse) so they play, like any normal kids would, but g-ma can't hear her shows. And there is SOOO much crap for Preston to get into that I just avoid going down there.
However as I sit here typing this, Preston has noticed the wall size bookshelves behind me and is happily pulling off any he can reach!
I'm camp director in our ward and that is starting to get crazier... I have no idea what exactally goes into planning and preparing camp, and it's all up to Me. I spent just about the Entire day yesterday looking online for ideas and help yesterday (you know aside from getting the kids food, dressed, off to school and keeping Preston out of trouble-which he is god at) I'm very excited to go, I just thought someone would provide some helpful info, like what to expect, or something (like maybe the lady who was camp director last year) I'm l.eaving behind copies of the songbook, permission slips, lists of what to bring stuff like that that are easy to leave in a closet a church for the next director to use. why not make life easier for someone else.?

Any sorry for that...
I am alive though